Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Plica Removal and Patellar Chondroplasty: Two Weeks Since Surgery

Doing well now. Stitches and dressings came off two days ago and the incisions have healed nicely. Mostly I'm a bit sore and stiff. I can get up stairs fine, down is still a bit tricky - but I'm getting there. Went for a 35min walk yesterday with no problems. Stuck to all the physio exercises I was given by the hospital and went for my first appointment with my normal physio since the op. She tweaked my routine to just the following:

  • Leg raises with a towel under the knee (see earlier post)
  • Knee bends (see earlier post)
  • Some mobilisation of scar tissue on the upper incision (apply sliding pressure across it against the grain of the muscle fibres)
  • Carry on icing to get the rest of the swelling down. Also ice the back of the knee as swelling there is preventing full extension of the leg (don't force it!) and probably causing the calf muscle pain
  • Dips on a small step (just like going downstairs) - making sure my knee goes over my 2nd toe and my hips are level
  • Carry on with walks as far as is comfortable - but don't limp, strong core and hips level
Here's what is still troubling me:
  • Calf is very sore still
  • Cannot quite push the knee to full extension with getting a stuff, 'bulgy' feeling at the back
  • The upper incision is standing out a bit - with a sort of gristly feel. Physio felt there is where the instrument pushed aside muscle tissues and I need to mobilise it to prevent scar tissue forming. That area is still quite sore
  • Going down stairs I still feel tentative and tend to twist and drop my other hip rather than bend my knee properly - naughty!
  • Still some swelling above and below - but not too much (see photo)
  • Lost some definition and bulk of right quads despite exercises
Here is what it looks like now:

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