Thursday, 19 August 2010

Plica Removal and Patellar Chondroplasty: 8 Days Since Surgery

Rubbish today. I really noticed coming off the pain/inflammation meds (diclofenac). Felt stiff and swollen when I work up and I felt more sore and 'vulnerable' than yesterday. Got some cocodamol so that should take the edge off it. Felt like a psychological blow to find stairs so hard again (yesterday I had been able to go up and down pretty normally, albeit with a hand on the rail). I still went out for a walk and also to the shops - it does seem important to keep mobile and not to let myself slip back - but took it all pretty easy. The incision which has been sorest all along is the the superior lateral one (where the RF went in - see day 0 post) and that one really flared up. The inferior pole of the patella is painful as well when the knee is at full extension and lightly loaded (when doing physio or standing for a while) - before today I only felt that if I tensed the quads quite hard. Calf is still very sorry - icing it last night helped but only for a while.

Hopefully this is just a blip and over the next few days I'll carry on improving like I have been to date. On the plus my stomach is so happy to be spared the dicolefanc. Another plus is that the area where the plica was removed seems to be settling down and 'catching' it when turning is much less common (but still a nasty shock when I do)

Here's what the knee looks like now (looked better than this yesterday - I could see the edge of the patellar in places then):
Day 8

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