Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Plica Removal and Patellar Chondroplasty: 7 Days Since Surgery

Good day today. Over the last four days I have gradually transitioned to being up and about all day, going out for very shorts walks (10 mins) and being a bit more active around the house. Drove myself to the doctors today - which felt like a big step forward in terms of life getting a bit more normal. Also walked for 15mins which was nice - lovely to be in the fresh air. I went to the docs because I've had a very sore calf since the op which has not really improved (in fact got a bit worse). I was worried that this might be a blood clot which I had been warned to look out for as it is a possible (albeit rare - 1:750) complication. Was relieved that the discolouration was only a bruise (either from me rubbing it or from the op) and the pain was in a muscle area rather than a deep vein area. Guess it's just a side effect of the stress to the knee and all the swelling draining. In retrospect I have not been doing enough to keep my ankle raised - which has probably not helped. Guess I'll just ice it, ignore it and it'll go away eventually. In case anyone else gets this problem, here is why the doc discounted it being a clot/DVT:

  • No heat from that area
  • No redness (the marking was a bruise)
  • Pain was on the medial part of the calf muscle and not 
  • Pain was sore rather than severe
  • No swelling
Onwards and upwards........I'm coming off the diclofenac today (thank god - it's killing my stomach) so I reckon I'll feel a bit worse over the next few days.....

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