Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Weeks 15 - 17

Whilst on hols felt pretty good when on beach and in the (cold!) sea - but right knee got very tight and sore driving home. In a fit of frustration (sigh) attempted to start some eccentric decline squats during week 16 - but was flaring both knees up the next day - clearly not ready for that yet. By the end of this period the pain on the left quad tendon had gone (good news!) but still now got extensive crepitus, 'over-stretched', prickly feelings below and above both patella. If I walk a fair way (say a mile around shops) it goes wetter, feels less stable and a bit sore. After a few days this shifts to feeling more dry and scratchy. The palpable crepitus (all over both tendons on both legs) is constant - and there is still an audible crepitus on the right leg when going from full extension down a few degrees (but I've had that for months). The right patella tendon feels much worse than the left one (as I would expect).


So.....think I'm going to just rest if for a couple of months (despite my intentions I've never really rested my legs completely - bar walking and driving for longer than about 4 weeks!) and get some more physio advice for an eccentric programme for when this more general tendinitis (inflamatory) attack eases off

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